The Farnsworth Family

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Watch out for the gators in Palm Beach!

Guess where we found this one! You guessed it in the lake right out back. It's a good thing he didn't poke his head out when me and the kids were in the paddle boat.

West Palm Beach Trip

This "little" guy came out of the tree. I couldnt resist taking his pic.

West Palm Beach Trip

The tree out back is neat. The tree grows new limbs that go down to root in, the kids were swinging from the ones not yet rooted.

West Palm Beach Trip

Me, Nici, Breezy and Chris(not Pictured) out on the paddle boat.
Little monkey trying to get the coconuts.
Me and the 3 kids on the lake.
Now the big monkey trying to get the coconuts.

Palm Beach Zoo

Chris liked thw white tail deer and Nici liked the red bird.
Row row row your boat. LOL
We just love eagles!

Palm Beach Zoo

Nici petting a goat.
Naked mole rats just born in January. Kinda gross.
Nici and Breezy. Chris had just fell and didnt want in the pic.
Chris got his turn!